24 January 2007
7pm 24 January 2007at 1/20 Totara Street, Taupo
PRESENT: Lisa Rowland; John Taylor; Richard Balm; Thomas Schwarz; Mike Langley; Pete Masters
CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: Committee agreed that minutes of 13 December 2006 were a true and correct record, Accepted by John/Richard
1. Presentation to Tenon re sponsorship - ongoing
2. Cycling/Walking maps - Completed
3. Thank you letter sponsors - Lisa prepared a draft for perusal by the committee
4. Harvey Street gully sign off - Pete McFarlane and Lisa completed a walk through with Colin Lunn of TDC - gully is now handed over to Council for future maintenance
5. DoC paddock - Five Mile Bay - ongoing. Can currently open gates or go over style. Need a wooden chicane. Pete will check with DoC
6. Power Point presentation for Council by CAN - ongoing
7. Action Plan 2007 - Richard will email out.
1. 18 December 06 - TDC re Appl for Resource Consent Lakeview Ventures Ltd - update.
2. 10 January 07 - TDC notification of proposed variations 19, 20, 21 (proposed Taupo District Plan)
3. 11 January 07 - TDC - Contract of Service response
4. 24 January 07 - fax from Environment Waikato re W2K
1. Nil
Accepted by Richard/Thomas
OO Cheque: $15,706.91
O1 Account balance (W2K) is $1,285.00
Petty Cash: $3.90
Receipts: $1,051.20
Payments: $4,211.31
Outstanding Debtors invoices: $1,052.50
Bond The bond for use of Spa Park (Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge) has not been returned as yet. John is dealing with Glen Holschier on this. He has now advised that it’s been actioned and will be in our bank account in two days.
Map Pricing: The A4 maps costing $61.20 per 100 + GST. Sold for $1.50 ea GST inc. Profit of 72 cents each.
A3 maps costing $122.40 per 100 + GST. Selling at $1.50 ea GST inc. gives a profit of only 11 cents each.
Accepted: Lisa/Pete
Subcommittee headings for the new committee were discussed and agreed as follows:
1. Urban/Rural cycle facilities (includes liaison with TDC, gullies etc) - Thomas, Lisa and Mike
2. Media/Promotion & Website - Thomas and Lisa with Jonty perhaps
3. Submissions - Richard
4. Funding - Barry Shepherd (seconded on)
5. Maintenance - Pete
6. Wairakei Forest - Richard
7. W2K - Pete
8. CAN Update - Thomas
Geoff was absent from meeting so next meeting we will see where he’d like to fit in.
Urban/Rural Cycle Facilities:
1. Lisa to arrange an informal meeting with Bob Hopkins and Jess Raethel (TDC roading) to encourage a good relationship with them and talk about any issues and how we can help each other. Possibly the Friday after Waitangi Day.
2. Jess of TDC Roading Dept updated us on their cycle projects for 2006/2007.
• Shared Path Huka Falls Road: Developers of the new subdivision next to Wishart Winery are to build the footpath along Huka Falls Road 2 metres for a shared path. 170m will be constructed this year and the final 430 metres at a later date.
• Shared path Spa Road/Centennial Drive - 2metre wide shared path to be from end of existing footpath on Spa Road linking onto existing shared path on Centennial Drive (length 550m) to be constructed 2007/2008
• Alterations to cycle lane north bound on SH1 near Mere Road intersection is underway
• Re-marking of Crown Park Cycle facility completed mid 2006 - for education and awareness for school children
• Formalising and remarking SW bound cycle lane on Spa Road consultation may need to be carried out with businesses along Spa Road on this one and we will be kept informed of progress. (Committee Discussion: currently the law is not being forced. It’s classified as a cycle lane by the markings but cars clearly still park on the lane which is illegal. It’s a critical route and shouldn’t be ignored. Regarding businesses affected many of them are on corners and have side street access to their business)
• Pedestrian Refuge at Rainbow Point on SH1 - Jess hasn’t heard from Transit and suggested we write to them again requesting progress of decision. (Committee discussion: Lisa to write to Alan Burkett again)
• Future cycle projects we are invited to notify any further projects we would like to see happen so she can try and incorporate them in the 2008/09 programme. TDC has $18,000 every second year for construction of new cycle facilities. Green Paint is on the top of the list for 2008/09.
Other committee discussion: The rails on State Highway 5 pedestrian refuge have gone which makes its hard for bike to cross and takes away the safety barriers.
There is a trout on the large Waitahanui speed signs but nothing on the other side - any chance of putting a bike up there?
There is no safe passage for bikes into Waitahanui ie. There’s a nice wide shoulder leading into and out of but then it disappears once you hit the new big speed signs. Need good access behind them as previously suggested.
Lisa to bring these points up with Jess.
Posted: Wed 24 Jan 2007