1 June 2005
7pm 1 June 2005 at White House, Paora Hape Street, Taupo
PRESENT: Pete Masters; Jonty Garlick; Gerry Dance; Lisa Rowland; Thomas Schwarz; Richard Balm.
APOLOGIES: John Taylor; Bruce Jefferies
CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: Committee agreed that minutes of 20 April 2005 were a true and correct record. Accepted by Gerry/Thomas
MATTERS ARISING: 1. Newsletter Lisa has prepared for committee to check and then will be sent out in next day or so 2. Road Safety Campaign - completed 3. Sponsorship page on website - now on website (see website subcommittee report) 4. Rotary Club alternate funding opportunities - (see funding subcommittee) 5. Constitution changes - Alan has advised that we can do the changes at the next AGM.
INCOMING/OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE: Incoming: 1. 21 April 2005 - CAN - copies of Chainlinks April-May 2. 16 May 2005 - re servicing the Brushcutter Outgoing: 1. 3 May 2005 - Neighbourhood Reserve Management Plan submission.
Accepted by Gerry/Richard
TREASURERS REPORT: Account Balance $10,360.26 (not including outstanding/new accounts and monies to be banked). Accounts for approval: 1. Lake Hire approx. $300.00 2. Pete McFarlane $1,000.00 3. Pipe Transport $250.00 4. TDC - Road Safety Campaign final ads $1,801.58 TDC refunded $530.00 being an overpayment re the Road Safety Campaign.
Accepted: Lisa/Thomas
Media and Promotion: 1. Lisa prepared newsletter for viewing at meeting. Committee okayed it and following a few minor amendments Lisa will email to Thomas for distributing to members.
Website/Membership: 1. Thomas has added a ‘Sponsors and Supporters’ webpage and now needs a list and logos of these groups. Committee to forward these to Thomas.
TDC Cycle Strategy Team 1. The draft Cycling and Walking document in now in review before going out to public for submission. Currently horses may be included in this document but Gerry is pushing for it not to happen. 2. Lions Walk now has appropriate signage with ‘share with care’ message. Further chicanes have been put back in blind/narrow spots for safety. 3. If we get the okay to open up some of the gully systems around town Bike Taupo will need Cycle Strategy Team/TDC buy-in regarding future maintenance.
Submissions: 1. Lisa prepared and sent in a submission re the Neighbourhood Reserve Management Plan. 2. Gerry to diary the 10 year District Plan submission stage and let Lisa know of this. Should be around Christmas.
Funding: 1. Richard requested resolution by committee to apply for pub charity funding. Resolution was given to apply for funding for track maintenance. 2. Taupo Mountain Bike Club continues to fully support Bike Taupo’s efforts and will donate future race profits to us for track building etc. 3. GroundEffect has kindly sponsored us with three boxes of seconds clothing for selling to our members. The committee has decided to sell it at 60% of retail value as a fund raiser. Should hopefully make about $2,000. 4. Lisa has prepared and sent three project proposals for Rotary’s consideration. These were emailed to Mike Langley and Guy Beange.
Maintenance: 1. Craig has now finished his stint and first year. They are now reviewing for next year. 2. Gerry to prepare a report for Council as part of six monthly report per agreement. 3. Rotary Ride will continue to be changed to keep improving it. • The northern end of the track now has matting over the slippery clay. • Barry Shepherd, Dave Brett and Pete Masters have physically looked at the change to hill past the ladder bridge out to a bluff towards the river - making gradient better and cutting out the matting part of hill. Better views too. • Looking at changing ‘Bangers Corner’ as it’s still dangerous. • They’ve investigated a new downhill through the gully behind Owen Delaney Park which would be a one-way track to separate uphill and downhill traffic - safer. This will not happen for a while. • Also looking at extending track through the young pine trees on Landcorp land - make it more meandering and interesting. 4. Western bypass needs pumice loaded on to soak up boggy bits. Working B scheduled for 11 June and will be mentioned in newsletter.
Posted: Wed 01 Jun 2005