20 April 2005
7pm Creative Café 20 April 2005
PRESENT: Pete Masters; Jonty Garlick; Gerry Dance; Lisa Rowland; Thomas Schwarz.
APOLOGIES: John Taylor; Richard Balm; Bruce Jefferies
CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: Committee agreed that minutes of 9 March 2005 were a true and correct record. Accepted by Jonty/Thomas
1. Router Art account Pete checked this out and it has been reduced and a future price confirmed per sign.
2. Newsletter - completed and sent out to members
3. Letter to Editor - a response re GL Walkway was done by Bruce.
4. Sponsorship page on website - ongoing (Thomas)
5. Review of Insurance incl. tools - Malcolm Flowers provided best quote so will go with them. It works out to be uneconomic to insurance chainsaws and scrub-bars.
6. Constitution changes - liaison with Alan Vane is ongoing (Pete)
7. Cycle strategy workshop notification - completed - notification sent out to all members.
1. 1 April 2005 - Transit - State Highway 1 culverts
2. 5 April 2005 - Land Information - Official Recreation Permit - Wairakei Forest
3. 14 April 2005 - TDC - summary of submissions - Tongariro North Domain
4. 14 April 2005 - Malcolm Flowers - Liability insurance policy.
5. 14 April 2005 - Mountain Bike Club - enclosing Bikewise Kids Jam proceeds
1. 5 April 2005 - Groundeffect - acknowledgment of receipt of $1,000
2. 20 April 2005 - Mountain Bike club - acknowledgment of receipt $900.00
Accepted by Pete/Gerry
TREASURERS REPORT: Account Balance $13,742.33 (not including outstanding/new accounts and monies to be banked).
Accounts for approval:
1. Malcolm Flowers - insurance premium $731.25
2. Lake Hire - $400.00
3. McFarlane - $1,003.65
4. Crown - $607.50 (can now be paid as Agreement document received)
It appears that $530 (sign installation re road safety campaign) has been paid twice to Council. Gerry will check this out with TDC accounts and arrange a refund if necessary.
To make it easier for the Treasurer once an account for payment is received by post the following will occur:
• Secretary will pass to the person leading the particular project.
• That person will sign it off (write on account) together with labelling project its for.
• They will then pass to Treasurer for payment.
Income on maps is good. Made about $1,000 so far.
Accepted: Lisa/Thomas
Media and Promotion:
1. Newsletter went out in March. Lisa to continue preparing newsletters every two months. Next one due to go out in May.
2. Letters to the Editor have featured on the Lions Walk and road safety.
1. Next newsletter to include bit to encourage people to sign on promoting why they should ie. They’ll be able to submit news items etc.
TDC Cycle Strategy Team
1. Cycle Strategy workshop went well though numbers of public attendance were low. Gerry published the outcomes on the BT website. The maps are being put into the computer and will be available shortly. The new draft Cycling and Walking Strategy document will be ready for TDC internal distribution in 2 weeks. Will be available for public submission on 18 July 2005.
2. Warwick Hall and Scott Lee of DLT are keen to prepare a proposal promoting cycling and mountainbiking in Taupo for tourism. They have a copy of the APR study done in 2002. Looking at promoting families. They are currently securing funding and will work with Bike Taupo.
3. TDC is still to revisit the signage at Spa Park promoting the Rotary Ride. People are not getting to the track entrance easily. The main sign will be moved to the carpark and the entrance changed by realigning the track directly from Spa Park winding it down to the dirt road and on to the Rotary Ride.
4. TDC has reserve land off Huka Falls Road down towards the river but it quite close to houses. Residents are against it being made into a residential path. But it could happen in the future. This path would give access to pedestrians and cycles down to the river back to town cutting out having to use the path down state highway one. Its currently overgrown and around one third of it is accessible.
5. Lions Walk is to have 3 new signs promoting share with care cycles and pedestrians put in place. Further chicanes will go in narrow and blind areas. Other options were discussed like putting white lines down the middle of the path. In other districts/countries people tend to stay on ‘their’ side.
Posted: Wed 20 Apr 2005