October 2003

Minutes of Meeting Cycle Advocacy Group - Monday 21st October, 2002


PRESENT: Gerry Dance; Lisa Rowland; Else Tutert; Pete Masters; Neville Peach; Thomas Schwarz; Jonathan Garlick; Rose Blakely

RECEIVED: Peter Marshall


1. Expectations of the Group
All present agreed that we now need to separate the group from Taupo District Council. A separate advocacy group will benefit the community greatly and will provide strength from membership numbers when submitting to council.

2. Committee members/title
A committee will be formed and it was agreed that a maximum of 7 people be on that committee including Chairperson, Secretary and future provision for a Treasurer.

3. Election of Committee
Chairperson Lisa Rowland nominated Pete Masters (who accepted) seconded by Jonathan Garlick. No other nominations were received.
Secretary Neville Peach nominated Lisa Rowland (who accepted) seconded by Pete Masters. No other nominations were received.
Balance Committee All those present stressed an interested in being on the committee. No communications regarding election onto the committee were received, prior to the meeting, from those not present.

It was discussed that all those in the committee have some form of expertise to offer the advocacy group. It was also noted that all others in the group can offer assistance to these expertise roles. These were loosely identified and the Committee is :

Pete Masters (Chairperson)
Lisa Rowland (Secretary)
Neville Peach (submissions advocate)
Jonathan Garlick (media / advertising)
Thomas Schwarz (technical - web / database)
Gerry Dance (administration / TDC insight)
Else Tutert (administration / TDC insight)

Rose Blakely arrived at the meeting and although she did not want to be part of the committee she would like to be a member of Bike Taupo and offered her services for jobs within Bike Taupo that the committee chooses to co-opt.

4. Constitution
The new committee then went through the draft Constitution provided by CANZ and amended it to suit the group. This is attached to the minutes for further checking and thoughts. It will be finalised at the next meeting. Pete Masters advised that Alan Vane (a local lawyer and also a bike advocate) would be pleased to assist in checking and having the constitution officially completed.

5. General Business

Spa/Huka cycle track funding
Gerry reported that himself, Else and Pete attended a Taupo Moana Rotary Club meeting on 14 October. A proposal was given to encourage the Rotary Club to assist the funding of the track’s structure. It was well received although the Club had some queries the team could not answer at this stage. There needs to be a clear indication of the ‘sense and $$’ and what’s in it for Taupo community. Its believed there is an advantage to Taupo be it indirect. We now need to get information together on numbers and $$ and package it right. Throwing biking to people who don’t bike.


Tom Orr (president of the other Taupo Rotary Club) was present at the meeting and stressed an interest in funding on his club’s behalf.

Gerry also reported that the Council is still awaiting word from Putaiwi Trustees regarding access through their land. We’ll hopefully have some answers by next meeting.

Rose Blakely requested reasons why we cannot widen the current track. The group advised that because it is on DOC land and the current track is a designated national walking track with many thousands of visitors per year, DOC will not and cannot change it. A separate track was much more attractive in everybody’s mind including DOC.

A funding proposal will be put together for the Rotary Clubs.

Bike Taupo Website
We now have a homepage for the website although is not yet listed with all search engines. Gerry reported that Council have sent out payment for Thomas’ account (its in the system at Council). All agreed we now need to help Thomas with the content of the website. High priority is for maps and favourite training rides to be prepared. Gerry believes Chris Todd has access to the Wairakei Tourist Park maps on computer.

The following people will provide Thomas with a detailed training route for adding to the website as follows:

Wairakei Loop - Lisa
Broadlands Road - Gerry
Mapara Road Loop - Neville
Round the Lake Loop - Crunchie (Gerry to contact)
Taupo to Kinloch return - Rose

Any other favourite rides can be covered as well!

Bike Taupo Membership
It was agreed that we should encourage as many members as possible to join ‘Bike Taupo Advocacy Group’. This will be made attractive with no levies payable initially. The more names we have associated with group the bigger the ‘voice’ for cycling in Taupo. With members we can receive numbers, voice, and support.

Jonathan and Lisa will put together a subscription form for emailing to the database we currently have. Also one will be adapted and Keith Crate will be approached to put it into the Great Lake Cycle Challenge registration pack. Out of town members will be just as beneficial as locals as Taupo obviously has many visitors all year round, some of whom will be cyclists.

Two notifications will be sent out following this meeting:

1. The new committee with copy minutes and constitution.
2. The balance members who have not been elected onto committee.


Taupo Events Centre, Clubrooms
Monday 25 November 2002
6:30pm - 8:30pm

Please diary these details upon receipt of these minutes.

Any queries please email Lisa (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or telephone on 3768310.

Posted: Mon 21 Oct 2002

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