November 2008
Track Crew News - November 2008
The new down hill track, up the road from the car park, is coming along. The guys working on it are doing a great job. It has big scary jump but has got lots of chicken chutes, so you can check it out before taking it on.
We are back into the head land track on W2K. Another three days should see us out on the headland face which has stunning views down the lake to the mountains. Worth checking out - this is the best part off W2K.
Been told of two near misses with locals on W2K. Both were Morepork’s, one hit a rider in the chest and the other just gave the rider one hell of a fright. Morepork’s and riders are OK. Keep an eye open for them they hunt along the track early in the mornings and in the evenings and in most case’s will just fly a long and sit in a tree to check you out, that’s what MTB riding is all about.
Weed control is back on the agenda plus getting the tracks primo for the Huka race so get out and have fun!
Track of the Month: Slalom - not hard just a full on blast
Track Crew
Posted: Fri 07 Nov 2008