March 08
Hello everyone,
"Skunk works" have been at it again and you can now ride The Great Wall of Wairakei in the skills area (Photo at the end). We just have one (may be two) more brai testers to put in that area.
The new See Saw on the Luge seems to be testing people as well, good to hear that riders are checking it out before taking it on. It is no higher but is very steep and longer - Check out the videos (sm or large)
The track crew have a plan for the Tank Stand down hill (one of them crashed at the last race) and will get into it the moment we get a wet day and don't work on W2K. It has been getting a hard time in the races and dry weather.
Depending on how carried away we get we may have a working bee we are looking at some re-alignments.
Kevin Loe is marking out a new down hill track that will run between the road and the Cork Screw.
The track will be a short and full on down hill with jumps. You can then ride back up the road to get to the top again. This should work better for the down hill nutters on those heavy bikes.
W2K is now up to 6 Kms from the lake edge in Whakaipo bay. It is a great ride in and out now, still a bit soft, but this rain will help. Thank you to all the helpers, who came and volunteered a day or two!
Remember the track is two way and we are getting more and more people using it now so be aware!
Totara Gully has two pine trees down on it at the moment the DoC track crew guys will deal with ASAP this week. You can climb over them if need be.
If anybody wants to help marshal on the Moon Ride in May can you let us know or tell me at the Thursday race's please.
Doing marshalling is an important fund raiser for us so we can get all the maintenance done during the year. Its about the best working bee you can do!
We need day and night shift people or you can go all day (12hrs). You get feed and we will slip you some petrol money.
Pete. M
Posted: Sat 01 Mar 2008