Trackcrew June 2021
Trackcrew Report
Things have been rocking along with the track network in the last few months. The weather has been kind and we have seen lots of riders out and about.
We have tidied up parts of the Huka Trails around the poo plant in town and also the horrible little hill out by the bore field bridge near the Wairakei Resort. We are also about to realign the uphill section on the Rotary Ride opposite the Huka Lodge to make it more user friendly. We also plan to repair the Spa Park end of the Rotary Ride which keeps getting washed out in the last gully.
In Craters MTB Park, we are still to finish off building Dier Straights which will be the link from the top of Zee Zee Top across to Waipuwerawera. The other new track under construction is a link track leading to the Connection which will mean you will not have to bike up and then down Tank Stand to access the tracks further out. These hopefully will be all finished in the next three months. We have also been updating and putting in new signs around the park as well as doing some regrading of tracks so visitors don’t access tracks they don't want to.
Within the next 4 to 6 weeks logging is to start on the last section of trees over in the Steam Field area. This includes the trees around the Golf Course which will mean access from the Wairakei Resort will be closed as well as the bottom section of Sugar Daddy. There will be a short period where Outback needs to closed as well. We will keep you informed and tracks will be taped and signage in place.
The Great Lake Trail is generally in good condition We have just finished a tidy up on Orakau down to the tunnel and getting this winter's planting areas prepared. We are also planning on running a digger up the Whakaipo side of W2K this winter/ spring to re bench the track and give it a general tidy up. This may include running it around the headland.
Finally, a massive thank you to the "track fairies" who chip away building tracks and trimming vegetation in their own time and to everybody that sends tree reports into us. You are legends. This saves us so much time and therefore money and improves the tracks for everyone.